AS' is experiencing a problem in updating (adding, changing, deleting) snipes. Your existing snipes are safe, and should be placed.
You might want to keep an eye on this forum. If Sara is around, she'll probably leave a post when the problem gets fixed.
If you don't want an existing snipe placed, a short term solution is to change your ebay password. That will block AS from placing it.
I wouldn't worry about snipes getting placed. The only time snipes haven't gone thru, that I can remember, was due to that time internet was experiencing "The Worm". The rare times there's been a problem with AS, it has only impacted adding, deleting or changing a snipe - not in the actual placement of the snipe.
As a courtesy to others, please don't add new topics to this category, or post to existing topics in this category. This topic may help others that are having the same problem and avoid everyone leaving basically the same question or complaint, so I'd like to keep it at the top where it's visible to everyone.
If you want to let off some steam, please use the other category titled "eBay, General". If you must post to this category, then please add your comments or questions to this thread. That way, this thread will not get buried, and will be available to others in your same situation.
Click here to file a support case or apply for free snipes:
Thank you, and if it's any comfort, AS' staff, forum members, and your fellow snipers feel your pain.

P.S. If anyone that happens to be on this forum had a snipe go thru since 8 AM, please leave a post. This might help to relieve some of the anxiety over whether snipes are being placed.
[This message was edited by Sniper Sara B. on June 18, 2003 at 12:54 PM.]