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I have not heard back from her as of yet.
And you may never hear from them. If I received an email about my account being compromised, I would probably think it was a scam of some type.

Also if they are not frequent users of eBay and/or AS, they may not even see your email. Many use a separate email account just for eBay and/or AS and don't bother checking it while not selling or bidding on something.

Another note: My previous statement about Credit Card numbers, was not meant to cast doubt on your statements. (you were probably just exaggerating) It was meant to assure others that their credit card info was secure... even if their account could be hacked into or ID and password were given away. Still very dangerous though if it was.

The only way I see this happening, is if they looked up the account by password. What are the odds of you using the same password as someone else?

Is it time for this issue to be addressed in public on the forum yet? (hint hint)
First I will say that I have contacted this user 2 through her AS account and one through her Ebay account. She is a very active member of Ebay so I will hope she will get my message that way if not by AS letter.
This is a very serious situation concerning not only my account but also another member of AuctionSniper. I am not going to sweep this under the rug so to speak and act like this service is safe.
All I will say is that I can access PRIVATE information from another USER. Now that is scarey.

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