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You can do both (manual snipe and AS). For “die-for-items”, and you can be around, it’s a good backup plan. But, if your manual snipe wins the auction, you’ll still be billed by AS. The odds of AS not getting your snipe placed are low, but do-do happens. There is a chance that your manual snipe won’t get placed. But, doing both manual and AS does give you a very, very high probably of success, unless ebay is having some kind of melt down. Then your only protection is a proxy bid, but then proxy bids have the potential of starting a bidding war. No guarantees – no perfect solution.
If you bid manually just try and do it with about 10-20 seconds left. If you do it minutes in advance you'll be tipping your hand and inviting other bidders to increase their maximum which could cause you to lose or pay a higher price.

You cant outbid yourself, so you could bid from home, your spouse from work, your kids from school, and have a snipe in with us if you wanted to be extra safe. I would not encourage letting your dog place a snipe though, that would be pushing it Smile
As far as 'die-fers' are concerned, my technique is to bid WAY over the top, whether it's through AS or manually. You will, of course, usually pay dearly (but not always), depending on others' determination.

Of course, if you do lose, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that the other person paid far too much!

But that's the whole point of 'die-fers' isn't it?

Of course, if you do lose, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that the other person paid far too much!
The unappreciated hero of the auction – the second highest bidder. Doesn’t get the merchandise. Didn’t “win” the auction. Doesn’t get the feedback. No discounted shipping if they win a another auction. No one remembers him/her (well, high bidder might not forget them for a while). Considering that the second highest bidder could have caused a very large increase in the selling price, it seems they should receive some kind of distinction, or reward. After all, some sellers go to all the trouble to have multiple ID’s to shill their auctions, and here someone comes along and does it for free and the seller makes a tidy profit at no risk to themselves. I ask you, is that fair?

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