I hope someone can help me.
I plan to bid on a carving tool set posted on eBay by a seller from Austrailia/Tasmania).
Currently, the auction shows the following information -- which I dragged and dropped into this posting directly from the auction:
"AU $301.51 (approx. US $169.92 )(reserve not yet met) First bid AU $50.00 (approx. US $28.18 )
Quantity 1 # of bids 10 bid history
Time left 4 days, 4 hours +
Location Tasmania
Country Australia
Started Nov-13-02 19:12:43 PST
Ends Nov-20-02 19:12:43 PST"
When I placed my bid using "Snipe it Now,"
I assumed that I should enter my bid in U.S. dollars. Accordingly, I entered considerably less than $300.00, but when I clicked on "Snipe it Now," I received the following error message:
"Your bid is lower than the minimum bid".
Now, there is no way I want to pay over $300.00 U.S. for this tool set, but if I don't enter a NUMBER greater than 301.51, Auction Sniper won't accept my bid.
So, when a bid is placed on Auction Sniper, does Auction Sniper automatically ignore what currency your bid is in, and just use the digits you enter into "Snipe it Now"?
In other words, if I bid 310.00, will I be charged $310.00 U.S. or will I be bidding $310.00 Australian?
I hope this makes sense! I appreciate any help you Sniping experts out there can give me.
rohoove (Bob Hoover)
Original Post