Well, I know it's probably been asked before, (I'm sure it has), but I'm getting ready to bid on a one-of-a-kind item available from someone in the UK. It's on the US e-Bay site, and the current price is listed as xx.xx GBP and in parenthesis approximately how much it is in US dollars. So when I go to snipe this widget, I type in the amount I want to spend in pounds, right???

I've heard the horror stories about high postage rates between there and here, but I'm willing to pay it for this particular widget. The seller has good feedback except for two neutrals for slow shipping (even though many people mentioned extra quick shipping) and one complaint from a NPB who wanted the widget anyway.
So I guess I'll set my snipe for 8 seconds (it ends in the early hours of the morning) and hope for the best. Thanks.