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I know this should be for the eBay forums, but the people here are so much more friendly and knowledgeable =+)

In 8752295460, two bidders have driven up the price, but then their bids have been cancelled due to zero feedback. However, the prices they bid remain. Isn't this highly unfair to the other bidders? What if these people are shill bidding? If their bids are cancelled, shouldn't all their bids be totally removed from the auction?
Original Post
Bid history

Their bids are well below the current bid, so they are not impacting the auction price. Even if their bids were higher, the price would be based on only the “active” bidders.

Also, leaving the cancelled bids on the bid history provides a warning to other bidders, although jpacheco_180582 doesn't seem to get the message, unless he contacted the seller and talked the seller into letting him bid on the auction.

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