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Cool, thanks. Sounds like a lot of setup in the beginning, especially if you have a lot of items and you change your mind on your max bid :P

Also, I've read a lot that you shouldn't re-use your bid groups. I assume that means after you've won, right? That is, it's still okay to add and remove auctions to the same bid group even if it takes months until you win?
Originally posted by Seabass:
Also, I've read a lot that you shouldn't re-use your bid groups. I assume that means after you've won, right?


Originally posted by Seabass:
That is, it's still okay to add and remove auctions to the same bid group even if it takes months until you win?


After you win the # of auctions you wanted, you can increase that number and keep reusing the bid group, or you can delete it.
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