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Hi there

The problem I'm having is that when placing bids for event tickets on ebay, ebay requires bidders to provide an additional confirmation. After pressing 'Confirm Bid', an additional screen appears asking users to acknowledge the following message:

"Some event tickets may have terms printed on them that may limit the ability of the original buyer to sell them to other people. Some event tickets, e.g. for the Glastonbury Festival, may also feature a photograph of the original buyer which may mean that anyone other than the original buyer is REFUSED ENTRY to the event. Alternatively, event organisers may seek to limit the use of tickets (or pass codes to buy tickets) to the original purchaser. For further details, see our Contracts and Tickets Policy.


Only once the bidder 'confirms' having read this message is the bid placed. This additional step appears to cause the snipe to fail?

Does anyone know if there is a workaround for this?

Thanks, Simon
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