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Suggestion to AuctionSniper about accuracy of this statement. First its not true. You really cannot place the bid at the last second accurately. I know that you indicate this is so but your subtitle to "" should really read " Bid near the last second, automatically if you want to be truthful and not misleading about this statement. From experience a 2 second bid usually will be placed 3-4 seconds before the actual second close. But, recently 2 snipes did not reach the bid on time. A suggested second is always risky but you should consider the "truth in adverstising" issue for your great service and be more accurate about your "up-front" statements. Best Regards to the AuctionSniper team, Keith Spruce.
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Good point, Keith. I second the motion. Technically speaking, you *could* bid at the last second, automatically, through AS. However, the odds are good that the bid wouldn't be registered in time by eBay, and that fact isn't mentioned. Better just to eliminate that line entirely. It's not a misnomer, it's a misleading statement, and in this day and age of frivolous lawsuits, AS should protect itself.
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'It missed me by a mile'.

'I could have danced all night'

'I'll love you forever'

They're all general expressions designed to give an impression rather than be factual.

And I reckon AS, if put on the spot, could provide evidence of bids that were placed 1 second from the end.
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Yes, oli, I suspect they could. But the phrase implies a constant or normal expectation of 1-second bids being entered, and I doubt that even half of such bids are actually received and accepted by eBay. In fact, that's probably one of the big causes of the complaints in this forum about bids not being placed. Newbies visit AS, see that claim, take it literally, and then raise assorted kinds of Cain when it doesn't work for them. Five seconds is impressive enough, given that placing the last bid in an auction doesn't guarantee anything.

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