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I love AS, even though I only found the site yesterday! 12 snipes queued and ready...

A few things make it slightly irritating for me (being based in the UK), however. I'm sure they'd be simple to put right.

1) Auction Sniper Software always fires up the homepage, not We should be allowed to select this somewhere

2) When configuring a search, you have to click 'advanced search' to restrict the search to items available to the UK. It would be nice to set UK as a default, or at least automatically bring up the advanced search screen automatically.

3) On the My Snipes screen, the currency isn't shown. Half my bids are in GBP, half in USD. It's very confusing not being able to see at a glance which are which.

Anyway, nothing major, but these few tweaks would make a big difference to us foreigners.
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Mark, your first suggestion, about allowing AS subscribers to select which eBay home page they'd like to work from on AS, is one that has been made many times by many folks who, like yourself, don't live in the US. So far such pleas have not been honored; I'm not sure why but there must be a reason.

Insofar as the currency is concerned, since AS always bids in the currency in which the auction is set up -- $US, $CA, $AU, Euros, Pounds, Deutschmarks, what have you -- it makes no difference to AS what currency it is. I can see why you would want it shown, since the net monetary value is of considerable importance to all but the wealthy. I guess if enough AS subscribers request that then the AS programmers will give it a look.
'probably won't happen' - why?

No idea what your percentage of 'foreigner' users is - I guess you probably have no way of knowing but I'd imagine that it is quite high. Maybe high enough to justify a bit of work?!?

Please can you give it a bit of thought - how hard can it be to add the option for the default page to be chosen (rather than default to .COM) and for the currency to be shown.

Action: Sara to investigate. Please...

Action: 'Foreigners' to reply with their thoughts!
We probably wont do #2. Since the functionality is already there it's just another click it would seem like extra work to add a preferce that saves people just a click. It would cause confunsion and unnecessary steps to peoples account settings.

Perhaps it could default to that if we were to allow a user to select their default eBay site.

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