So, where's the best (and cheapest) place to buy a money order? It doesn't have to be an international MO, since we are both in the USA.

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Originally posted by Dave:
...are available at WalMart for 46 cents; at least that is what the one near me charges. There is also a Check Cashing Store (real name) near me that advertises FREE money orders.
"The waist is a terrible thing to mind."
quote:Yur not s'posed to DRINK it, Mrs.M!?!
Ya, I just bought gas at 1.71....yuck!!
Originally posted by Mrs.M:
Ya, I just bought gas at 1.71....yuck!!
http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-10/421255/grandma123.gif http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-10/421255/Mrs123.gif
quote:Originally posted by geekline:
Dont worry, it isnt gonna get any better. There is talk of gasoline going up to $2.00 a gallon by summer and not coming back down. They are working to put oil prices in the USA in line with the rest of the world.