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I currently have an auctionsniper snipe on an item and have put a bid in of £25.00.
When I look at the snipe within aution sniper it shows the relevant data:
Max bid: £25 currently £22.00 4bids and 2 days to go.

Yet when I look on ebay at the bid its sitting at £55 and has had 10 bids.
Does AS not email me to let me know my bid is to low or update itself to the current bid?
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Hiya Smile

You need to hit the *update* button on your snipes page to refresh the data...then you will have the correct information showing.

As for the outbid notice, to save resources, AS only checks the auction once a day for the first few days of the auction, then more frequently as it gets closer to the thats why you will have gotten the outbid notice now.

My only other comment would be...if your maximum bid is £25.00, you are better to bid something like £25.12, you will find over time its the easier way to win for a few more cents than the losing bidder Cool
Last edited by bartelby

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