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As has finally gotten around to addressing something I have railed about for months: the message contained in the sniper report when one is outbid. The problem is that the status report is now even MORE confusing than ever. Confused

Here is what this morning's report said in an auction in which I was outbid:

Status Summary: Placed Successfully
Your snipe could not be placed because of the reason above

Talk about confusing. The programmers changed the TOP part of the message, the status summary, but left the confusing BOTTOM part, which says that the snipe was not placed. It was the BOTTOM part that should have been changed. Now one has a top part telling the AS member that the snipe was placed "successfully" (which can be misinterpreted to mean the auction was won, when it was not), and a bottom part saying that the snipe was not placed at all, when it most certainly was.

Sara, Sofia--I suggest this: HOW ABOUT THIS MESSAGE when one's snipe amount is insufficient:

Status Summary: Snipe Placed
Your snipe was placed, but your bid was not enough to win the auction

You could use this or something similar, something that would include both parts of a clear and unambiguous report. And you would not even have to me me any credit for the suggestion--honest! Cool
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