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What kind of computer did you work on?

40 years would make it 1964? 40 years of programming? Let's say you started at 25?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time. But, if what you are saying is true, you would be a very unusual person. Very few people would have gone thru what you have gone thru and still be programming. No disrespect - just want to find out.

Come on - are you a "card jock".
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All the IBM main frames from 360 to 3080s using assembler mostly. Wintel PCs (assembler and OOP) since they came out in the 80s. Some midframes in RPG and Assembler. The applications included Manufacturing, Banking, Insurance, Market Research, Weather forecasting, Accounting. I retired in 1980 but still keep a hand by helping develop websites for local schools and government groups.
Hi larry

Always wanted to get into the software end of the business, but spent my career as a hardware slug.

I've dabbled with assembly, but never REALLY figured out what I was doing. Had some good results with Basic jumping to assembly subroutines though. Got into something called Mobol (a twisted and raped version of Cobol) and had some minor success, but that was only good on a single product line of a single company.

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Ive also spent 10 years as an IBM AS/400 RPG programmer. Also been wondering about the number of reported bugs lately. However, AS has been working ok for me so far. Last night had a snipe placed and padded it with a 40 sec lead time,(being sunday night) looks like there was only a 5 sec delay. Didnt win though, outbid, still looking for that first sniped win, lol. Oh, and RPG stands for Report Program Generator though it does much more than that. Cool

happy sniping

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