I don't want sniping software (and even if I did, this is definitely NOT the place to ask!).
I don't want software that only helps me manage all the items I am selling on eBay (at least not yet).
I want software to help me keep track of all the items I have {an interest in/bid on/won/lost/paid for/received/left feedback for} etc. etc.
I'm currently keeping all this stuff in a kind of ad hoc database, but it still means I have to a lot of capturing from the screen and reformatting. Many times it just isn't worth the effort. So far I've seen nothing out there that helps much at keeping your auction items organized, especially AFTER you've won them.
The specifications I'm looking for are as follows (subject to change as I think about it more):
1) Preferably works under Windows with the ability to port the data over to a Palm OS database.
2) Is pre-configured (or has templates configured by other users) for the format of eBay listings. This way, if I do a copy and paste of an item, it will automatically (after clicking a SUBMIT-type button) put the data into predefined fields.
3) I'm a bit leary of software that has DIRECT on-line access to eBay through my net connection (hey, I wasn't too crazy about giving AS my eBay ID & password, but I see the need), but if the software does a great job, and they have a clear privacy agreement (and no history of complaints related to abuse of the information), I'll at least consider looking at it. Otherwise a program that uses my browser and gets the needed info via specific screen capture, copy, then paste would be easier to trust.
4) I'd like to be able to use the program when offline to organize things. I travel with a laptop a lot, and it would be very helpful to use those times when I'm not able to connect to the net to go through my wins and see what hasn't yet arrived, who hasn't sent me feedback, etc. etc. Some of the software I've glanced at seems to become practically impotent without a constant connection, even when the connection isn't needed for the features you want to use at the moment.
BTW, Auction Sniper's online database of my wins won't do the trick for a few reasons:
A) Online access limitations when travelling mentioned above.
B) You can't catgorize items based on "after win" status (e.g. Paid for, Tracking number received, item received, etc.), AS categories only work on things defined before you bid.
C) It's a bit too sluggish, even when connecting via DSL.
However, a program that would capture data from my AS win screens for offline use could definitely be a workable solution.
As I said, the above is subject to change, and I know there are things I'm going to want once I start using the program, but I realized that if any group has a similar need for organizing their eBay wins, and not really concerned with the standalone sniping features common in most of these programs I've found so far, it's YOU PEOPLE!
Any recommendations, warnings, suggestions (donations also gladly accepted!)?
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