Been using AS a couple of weeks now, and after a good number of wins and some losses, I'm quite happy with it. I realized that I especially appreciate the ability to re-think an item over several days...used to be I had to put it on the watch list, without really deciding what I would be willing to bid, or go ahead and bid, and then quite possibly regret my price.
I'm in awe of those of you who seem so certain of what they are "willing to pay," I usually jump on something, then look at it a day or two later and think, "nah." Or I see something else I'd rather have for that money. Or...blah, permutations are endless.
With AS, I can "place" my bid as soon as I come across the item, then over the course of the auction I can consider more carefully just how much I want this thing. Sometimes I've raised my bid, just to be sure, after I know I'm in love with something, and other times I've canceled the snipe entirely.
Plus the folders on AS really help organize snipes among various sellers, so I know that if I go for a couple of things with one seller, I'll usually save shipping.
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