Hey Bud!
Are we really into the Graemlins these days??? Hmmm?
I'm glad you brought that up. I've used the search and had good success with it. But I just can't seem to get consistent performance out of PopIt! and MyPop.
I set up MyPop, then would go there first to see if there were new posts since my last visit, and if there was anything new on any topic I had specifically selected to "watch." (I'm not sure I'm using the right terms, but I'm afraid I'll lose all of my reply if I leave it now to go look!!
) Well, it wasn't producing true information. I reviewed my options/prefs and all seemed right. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Also, I think I need a definition of "last visit."
01/04, 8am, I visit Community;
01/04, 5pm, I add snipe only;
01/04, 11pm, I visit Community.
For purposes of determining new messages: At the 11pm visit, is "last visit" considered the 8am or the 5pm? Will all new posts since 8am be highlighted for me? Shouldn't those new posts be apparent in MyPop?
Do you know, granitz?
Anybody else who uses MyPop and/or PopIt! PLEASE feel free to contribute your wealth of experience here.
(granitz, how'd I do with the little Graemlins?)[This message was edited by Neva on January 19, 2002 at 05:33 AM.]