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I believe that the timing is NOT synching properly, but is happening before. I bid on EBAY 3088225437 and my timer was set for five seconds -- the bid went in 15 seconds before auction end, and someone else bid ten seconds later, approximately five seconds before auction ended.

If they reacted to my bid, the price went up by $ 12.00 on an item that was sitting there for $87.00.

This previously happened routinely after some software upgrades. I am not sure what has happened lately.
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Good news... Bad news...

Bad news... The times were not off, your bid was placed early on purpose.

Good news... AS monitors traffic and response times between eBay and AS. Your bid was sent in early to assure it would be received and processed before auction ended.

Not the perfect solution, but better early than not at all.
The lesser of two evils so to speak.

... and WELCOME to the forum.
Since newbies frequently ask this question (I know I did) would it be prudent for AS to inform folks during the sign up process of this feature in a more obvious way. It is a very good thing for AS to analyze response times and dynamically adjust lead time. Why not make that a featured feature?

It is not "rocket science" to take timing results and instantly adjust settings. Even my car is capable of sensing atmospheric changes and dynamically adjust my fuel injectors accordingly.

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