I think sniping manually CAN be better on those very busy times. I've done it fairly consistently at 10 seconds, even during the very busiest of times. (Notice the word fairly). Time off, forgot to enter password, forgot to bid, slow response, ect...
Compare 'processing power' of eBay and AS, and eBay would win. Not even a close finnish. I understand your logic about who is slow, AS or eBay, but to AS it
IS eBay that's slow, and here is why.
AS knows in advance who is going to bid, how much, and on which auctions. They have all this information lined up and ready to go. They know exactly what eBay needs and in what order. AS could pump all this information out for everyone in a second or less!
The problem is, eBay does NOT know what is going to come in. They have to wait for a request. Only then can they go look up the auction. They accept ID and password, but then need to go check to see if it's valid, get the bid amount, check if its valid... well you get the picture. Multiply that by hundreds, and there is NO WAY eBay can accept data as fast as AS can supply it.
Does that make sense ?