I have just completed a thorough search of the last ten days on this forum. I notice that as late as 23 June, things were civil and seemingly normal.
I am sure that we all have our opinions based on a review of the posts made. I shall not reveal mine. Suffice to say that some out-of-order posts were made, then responded to, and the rest snowballed. There were less than hospitable posts made, both individually and collectively,on both sides, with plenty of innuendo to go around.
But what REALLY gets me is how quickly this all happened. The last time I accessed the forum was 23 June and all seemed well. When I returned on 30 June, KAPOW!

Though none of us really "know" each other face-to-face, we have all kept up our cyber-relationships for quite some time. (Heck, even a year in cyberland is quite long, real-time wise!) Those of us who hearken back to the Adam Roth dark days of AS, and those of us who stood by AS during its difficulties last summer and again at the start of this year (though the latter was more eBay growing pains) have withstood too many travails on these boards. We have endured the one- and two-post wonders, the angtry icons by those who haven't a clue how eBay works--let alone AS, the cyber-pitches from mysterious Romanian locales, but also the truly seeking members, and those who were trying to understand the pyschology of sniping and eBay bidding in general.
The two principals have been at this a long time, and I have enjoyed discourse with them both, complementing the exchange where appropriate. They have been articulate, courteous and helpful beyond words. It would be a tragedy to see these two not continuing to serve, especially in tandem. They complemented each other wonderfully. I am sure Sara and others will agree.

I am asking that any deep-seated wounds, however justified, be put aside. Both parties are entitled to feel hurt, and for this reason a truce is surely possible. Now, knowing human nature as I do, there likely are lingering hurts and annoyances, so all I ask is that both members continue to respond to the queries of others, as they always have. There does not need to be any immediate interaction with one another. But this forum can benefit from the experience of both members.