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The following, region2, are your last 10 responses to users (excluding your love notes to me):

To spalleta:
bog off you illiterate nosher!

To spalleta:
You might get a response here if you ask again using punctuation and good grammar as your questions make no sense to me!

To Jabbergah:
Contact their professional body for more info.

And, with the GBP at an all time low, I would suggest that you put off any USA (or European) purchase until we get rid of Gordon Brown - sorry, I meant until the economic climate improves!!!!

To spalleta:
Click on Help and read the FAQs - hopefully that'll answer whatever you're asking!

To spalleta:
No idea what you're asking but then I only speak English.

To cartman:
I'd be clicking on that Help Tab asap if I was you...

To Lait Frappe:
Then don't use a snipe - bid manually!

To darknight0808:

To heinz57g:
ask them again...

To cristina:
Hmm - no difference that I can see. The time on "My Snipes" is meaningless as it relates to the time on your PC and not that on AS's eBay servers...

Very impressive, region2 – I mean it. All that sniping wisdom contained within one person (you), and this forum has the luck (is “luck” the right description?) to have that person (you) wisdoming on this here forum. I wonder if newbies fully appreciate the depth of your knowledge, although based on some of their responses to you, it’s possible that they do. The demands on your time must be staggering. It probably keeps a small (very) army of Brits on 24-hour-call just to schedule your appointments and various seminars. Tell me, what with the upcoming book deal, and the rumored movie, have you decided who is going to play your character?
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