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Hi. I have been using AS for a few weeks but am inexperienced with BidGroups. Maybe a more experienced AS user can help me with this question.

I am interested in buying one of 3 items that have auction ending times just 20 seconds apart and have placed them in a new BidGroup set for 1 win (the ending times are Nov-23-03 16:12:47, Nov-23-03 16:13:09, and Nov-23-03 16:13:36). Is 20 seconds enough time to make sure I will not end up buying 2 or 3 items? In other words, if I win the first item, will 20 seconds be enough time for AS to receive this information from eBay and cancel the next two snipes in the folder before they are activated? The reason I am asking is I understand that in times of high net traffic, sometimes snipes with 5 seconds lead time do not make it before the end of the auction. Since BidGroups relies on two-way communication traffic, I am wondering if 20 seconds is enough time. By the way, I set my lead time to 3 seconds, so the time between the end of an auction and the next snipe is actually 17 or so seconds.

Many thanks

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