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Something is up and we're looking into it.

Usually this happens when a server at eBay is slow. Our requests to their servers for data begin to stack up and then as more and more pile up our site becomes slower and slower.

We're double checking everything on our end to be sure.

It's such a problem that on our other sites we've totally removed the dependence of the site from eBay. In doing that even if eBay is piss slow our site is still super fast. Unfortunately when we wrote AuctionSniper years ago we didnt plan for eBay being slow. And they rarely are.

We restarted a couple of our webservers to try and clean out their data requests to eBay and now they're operating speedily. We have one still going stlow at this point. Now they may slow again as requests build up, or they may stay fast. I'm hoping for #2.

Just letting you know we're on top of it.
Well, that certainly was an unpleasant experience! I would try to modify the snipe and it would never work. Then I would try to CANCEL the snipe and after more than 15 minutes it would still show "READY". So then I'd log out, go back a few minutes later, wait and wait and then my snipe would show deleted. Then I'd try to add/modify my snipe and it would never go through. So, I'd log out, try again a few minutes later and my snipe would show up as READY.
.... MadI have a headache!! This was certainly not what I expected for my first sniping experience with AS and definitely not with MY VERY FIRST BID on eBay. After not knowing whether I had an active snipe or a deleted snipe or a snipe/bid that exists somewhere in la-la land, I finally gave up! I considered all of this to be a sign from the gods that I should not bid on this item. So now, the auction is closed, I didn't get the item and I'm left wondering how something so weird as this could happen. Confused Frown
Hiya DeAnn,
Sorry you got the run around by AS, but it seem they did indeed have a problem at the time.

Even ebay has little issues every now and then and I am sure if you get AS a *2nd* will be pleasantly surprised.

I agree, it seems fate didnt want you to win that maybe AS' problems were a blessing in disguise? Wink
Hey DeAnn

As AS's Sara has mentioned, it seemed to be a problem at eBay's end causing a bottleneck rather than a problem with AS. Whilst frustrating, be aware that 1000's of AS users are very happy with the AS product so don't think that your experience is in any way typical! I've been a user for 2 or even 3 years now without a problem (as far as sniping goes anyway, I just wish they'd fix those bl@@dy advanced searches!!!). Wink

It’s a smart idea that someone promotes bid groups. They are an advanced feature; therefore they probably don’t get the use they should (by AS’ own admission). Shop keeps a healthy discussion going on bid groups, by keeping them in the forefront. If bid groups got more usage, perhaps AS would add reverse, or contingency, bid groups. I still can’t understand why they felt reverse bid groups were important enough to include in BM, but not in AS.

One thing I learned from one of the members (happens to be a Brit), is to keep plugging away on something you want to see improved. Suggestions seem to fall into two categories. There are the “wow” ideas, which everyone thinks is better than free shipping. This kind of idea happens less often. Then there are the “slow burning” ideas. This kind takes a lot more time and effort to sell, and are also more frequent than the “wow”. Think of the “wow” as a passionate one-night stand and the “slow burning” as courtship.

My own personal crusade (when I have the time) is on how people hear about AS. I don’t have AS’ insight into where new members come from, but I believe InstaMail is a BAD idea. I’d also like to see if anyone but R2 doesn’t get their free referral snipes.

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