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With several companies starting to jump in with tools that extend auction end dates, I was wondering how changes would affect a snipe placed with Auction Sniper.

If I place a snipe and the auction is set to expire tomorrow at noon, but the seller eventually extends the end date to 4 days from now....when will my snipe be placed?

Will it be placed tomorrow at noon as scheduled or will your program update or refresh and know the end date has been changed?

This is only used by a few people now but a couple of new programs are popping up which means if Ebay doesn't eliminate the extended date from allowed revisions it will become a growing problem.
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Yes, that one has caused quite a stir on the Ebay boards. But, since word got out then I think MW is working on something and the service use even made a program for it.

Lots of others are going to try it manually because it seems to increase sell can sell something in 1 day instead of 7 and you get more exposure. The discussion on the banned tool over on the Ebay store board is pretty heated about it.

I see benefits but I also see drawbacks. Especially if sniping programs set the end date when we make a snipe (I always SnipeSmile )
The only way Ebay will be able to stop it (now that the word is out) is to eliminate extending listings or limiting them in the revision process.

They may not let another tool do it, but you can do it manually and I was told even SAPro has a mechanism to revise several listings at a time.

So, unless Ebay makes a major change in revision possibilities, it will affect snipers (unless the sniping software goes in and updates ending dates when they refresh for bids).

I wasn't really getting into the ethics of the policy, just asking how the snipe program ascertains end dates.
Yes, eBay is in a sticky situation now. I believe they'll do the right thing. I can only imagine the chaos of eBay if every seller was doing this.

We do check for end time changes when we update for bids and price changes. However I'm not sure we make use of the data we get when we do that or just log it. We knew their tool existed quite a while ago and discussed this but it's been 9 months or so and I can't for the life of me remember what we decided to do about it.

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