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Reply to "what really ticks me off..."

Hey Doc,
I havent read the FAQ's and dont intend to unless I am seriously bored one nite or have nothing else to do (not likely), I am also a *learn-as-I-do* not a *learn-as-I-read* type of person. Then again, I know I am this kinda person and tend not to come running blaming the program I am using when I dont bother to read the instructions. Waffle, waffle waffle....Anyways....

On my little AS wish list is a Yes/No - tickable option that says something like "I allow Auction Sniper to adjust my lead time if it detects a lag in eBay's response time" its a mandatory field to be completed. Underneath it would have a disclaimer blah blah blah. This has been mentioned on here before and I think its a bloody good idea.

Other than that, I think the FAQ's SHOULD reflect what AS ACTUALLY do - not what they would like to do in a perfect ebay world.

I cant complain, I have been using AS a while now and have had 1 snipe go MIA - that wasnt a *not in time*.
