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It was Icy and only 27 when I scraped the ice off the windshield at five in the morning. It was the my day to head for the Veterans Hospital.
Its a three hour drive but I only drive an hour to get to the clinic where I meet a van with a
Volunteer driver who takes us the next two hours.
Its a trip I REALY hate as never get the front seat and always get sick riding in the back of the van.
I had an hour to wait so got a chair and found a place in the Lobby. It looked like a convention - I had never seen such a crowd - I feared the worst of course = but why blow a VA hospital when half are dead already. My thoughts and attitude immediately changed
when 100 children began to sing "It's a Small
World " a song that has been dogging me all month. They had come on a class trip to wish us
Happy Valentines Day.. A girl with basket approached and said Happy Valentines day.. I reached for one and she said "No..this one - I made it" It was Pink with a Pink Heart and a white felt heart over another cut out heart - over a cut-out lace doily heart -(very intricate) and in the center a tiny kitten =underwhich she wrote "follow me".. as she handed me a cookie she said - Pretty Good Hugh?
I've been making these since I was seven. Then a boy about 8 pressed a yellow piece with a Teddy
stamped on it in my hand with another cookie.
I tucked them away and said Thanks.
On the way home I read my three Valentines..
The Teddy said. America Loves You -for What you did for us...Dear Soliger I hope you get better
I thenk you very much for serving are Country..
you must be braVe to go to war. Happy Valitine Day!!! Love Brandon ,and "follow me" and now, I feel different about Valentines!
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