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UK Politics!

This topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with Auction Sniper, so skip over it if you're looking for AS tips or tricks.

However, I know there are some Brits that frequent this forum, so I'd like to ask a question about UK politics if I may.

I was doing some TV channel surfing tonight, and stumbled across CSPAN2 broadcasting the proceedings in the House of Commons today -- questioning the Prime Minister. It was actually rather entertaining compared to some of the garbage that gets televised these days as "entertainment". I would also note that at least that aspect of the House of Commons proceedings seems a lot less boring than USA congressional proceedings. Wow! Ol' Blair did a heck of a lot of standing up (to speak and answer questions) & sitting down! No wonder he's so skinny!

The specific question I have is regarding all the standing up and sitting down? I noticed that after ANYONE spoke, several House members would stand up for a few moments and then sit back down. This occurred not only when someone would be asking a question, but also when PM Blair gave an answer. What is the meaning/purpose of the brief standing?
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