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Reply to "The snipe that really didnt work correctly"

Drat, I've gotten to be like a compulsive blackjack player today, constantly swearing he's gonna leave the table, goodbye, but drifting back for one last look....

Absolutely positively my last comment on this--To sum it up, I definitely agree with you there was a glitch if the dude's max bid was actually 1326. All I can say is, that would rank up there with the really really weird thing that happend to tiggerstitch, at . (If the max bid was 1305, everyone I think agrees it ended correctly.)

I suppose maybe the glitch in your case, if it was a glitch, is one that I could live with--it's a matter of a winning bidder not being compelled to pay as high as he should have, not whether or not I should have won instead. A glitch of the type in tiggerstich's case would definitely tick me off, as there could be a chance I'd have won if the system had operated correctly. (Although, in tiggerstich's precise circumstances, I suspect the winner's highest max bid woulda topped tiggerstitch.)

I'm really puzzled about tiggerstitch's case, and yours too. Hope you'll let us all know if you hear anything further. As I said, I'd not be surprised if there were some imperfections in ebay's setup, like tiny flaws and deja vu in the Matrix....

Oh crap, my 100th post. Have I fallen so low and is the hour so late....