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The Final Curtain

To those members old and new of the AS forum, we are gathered here to say goodbye to Rick.

13495 posts - an achievement! One man's contribution to the knowledge base of AS.

He started well, by acquired an encyclopeadic knowledge of the inner workings of how AS functioned and many a "newbie" has been grateful for his help.

Unfortunately, as they say, power corrupts and being naturally a loner (with seemingly no family or friends - save his dog) for support, he has gradually lost his grip on reality and what acceptable behaviour is.

As he operates without any "checks and balances" his manner got so overbearing that there were many people who simply gave up the ghost. Decent sorts, quiet types, all who slipped away from this forum.

I have always felt, as I read through his missives, that he was a person trying to prove something to the world. He obviously disliked some types immensely. Not just women, though he probably is a misogynist, but the gentler types who came here.

I have observed from this all from afar at first - I never have liked bullies - they always assume that no one will dare challenge them. Bullying is never done directly, as in this case, so it is`difficult to stamp out, because it is so covert.

Young Rick would not probably physically bully people, he simply tried to pester them, insult their values, chide them about their opinions, make them feel inferior. In my opinion, this is simply another form of bullying.

I was asked to help by a few members of this forum and wrote a strong message to the CEO of AS, Mr Schlicht on the 10th June.

In the letter I gave a variety of examples of how his behaviour was "unacceptable". I'll let a few of the quotes speak for me.

It does not seem rational, or reasonable, that one person should cause the demise of a pleasant/invigorating place for us all to spend a few idle moments in.

It is a tragic shame that someone's mind could be so twisted and so disrespectful

Most of what I have seen is veiled doublespeak, and could be interpreted in a variety of ways.


but recent activities have rather overstepped the line of decent behaviour in my opinion.

Like xxx I have ignored him totally for several months

agree with you all about ignoring him. For a while I ignored him too, then I made the mistake of talking to him a little bit because he seemed to be behaving better. That turned out to be a mistake

I feel he should not be allowed to participate in this forum

He still has the capability of hurting people and since he seems to enjoy it

Rick is a bully, plain and simple. Companioned with internet access however, he can gain a lot of information about his 'victims' that isn't evident from their postings in this forum

As to ignoring him, It's been my experience that it just doesn't work. Bullies usually don't stop until they meet up with a bigger bully

A disruptive influence that we're stuck with

I think you get the flavour. AS being indecisive doesn't know what to do. On the one hand, he is a valuable free asset saving them support staff, on the other these interchanges are picked up and spread through the internet by Google. We have to provide evidence - probably in triplicate.

I now simply think enough is enough - when one member of this board sets out to drive others away as a matter of deliberate policy, for his own amusement, then he has overstepped the bounds of decency.

Rick has just called private messages a "sewer" I thought it would do him good to see the contents of one such thread.

So Rick, there comes a time and a place when we have to leave. My time will doubtless come. This is your time - the majority of members of this board (and I hope some will append their names below) feel it is your turn to do the decent thing - for once.

Not all those who wander are lost. Tolkien
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