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Reply to "Swear"

My take on this.
I use swearing for the archetypical hammer on thumb, alone if possible.
Those who swear in normal conversation are showing a form of illiteracy, but worse:
They make every sentence aggressive - do we need any more aggression?
They could not care less if anyone is offended by it.
They make everything difficult to understand - if you spoke something like "The fredding quick brown fred fox fredding jumped over the fredding lazy fredding dog", could you understand it better, and that is swear-free!
They encourage toddlers to pick this up, and eventually it becomes the norm.
In the UK, we have something called 'the beautiful game' - a phrase similar to 'industrial action' that means the opposite.
Said game players are often your usual yobs, spitting and swearing like there is no tomorrow, so the kids use them as role models. They also 'earn' millions of £, paid by the poor fans.
Verb sap.

Smile I surely do agree!!