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Since Adam never responded yea or nay to our suggestion about a "reverse bid group" in the Comments and Suggestions Forum, I'm tossing it out here!

Some of us can save substantially on shipping costs by making multiple purchases from a single seller. For example, I bid on postcards, and most of the pcard sellers, many of them international, will send up to 5 cards for the same ship price. So, when I see a card I really want, I often check that seller's other cards to see if there are some more I can get for essentially "free" shipping.

What has happened to several of us, is that we enter snipes for say, 4 items from a seller, lose the one we REALLY wanted, and end up getting the later ones we only sorta kinda wanted.

So, we are suggesting a "Reverse bid group" option (or call it what you like) in which a "primary" snipe (must be the earliest one of the group, obviously) is designated, and if it is won, then AS bids on the rest of the bid group. If the primary snipe is lost, AS stops bidding on the others.

There's a further topic on this in Comments and Suggestions if you want to read it! Thanks!
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