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Reply to "Something Thread..."

Damn Super Bowl – it pre-empted 60 Minutes. Based on some comments, I DID fast forward to see if Janet Jackson was in that hour. I don’t see what the big (no pun) deal was. Talk about quickies. I wonder how much of an issue that was in say Australia. Again, maybe it has something to do with the colonization (notice the first 5 letters in that word) of the U.S.

I just looked up “colon”. Beside the obvious, it’s also the basic monetary unit of Costa Rica and El Salvador (you’ll thank me if that ever comes-up at a dinner party). Yuck! Imagine placing a snipe at a 100 colones (oops, always use odd amounts – make that 107.72 colones). Anyone know the monetary symbol for the colon? Anyone have the guts to post it? Anyone have the guts to even look for one? Anyone want some guts?