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Snipping against "Double Bidder"

Interesting bidder--bidding twice with same amount: 3 hours before close of bid anaxxx had bids placed on separate days for the same amount, 305.00 & 305.00 (ana was the 2nd and 3rd highest bidder. I snipped on this at 365.66.
Ana outbid me for 370.66 and 370.66--twice!. I know I was lower than Ana but "Don't get it", how Ana could bid the same amount twice on separte days and out bid me twice for the same amount at 370.66? Have read Sniper/EBay info on "bidding against self", but how was ana able to bid against herself at the same amount. How did ana do this and what was ana trying to do to outbid? Appreciate replies and discussion, (refer to link below for actual auction results).


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