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Sniping versus Bidding Duels

I'm deciding whether to snipe two very desirable items from the same vendor, who has timed them to finish simultaneously (down to the second).

I would like to buy the better of the two items, but would settle for the other if the first went for over my limit. However, I wouldn't want to get stuck with both, particularly were I so stupid as to put a $1,000 limit on each.

Meanwhile, a couple of enthusiastic "amateurs" (no offense meant - we all start as amateurs - translate "newbies" if you prefer that somewhat down-putting expression) are engaging in a crazy bidding duel, so pushing the price up way beyond any reasonable limit.

In this particular case, the vendor is a dealer who regularly times similar items to close simultaneously. Presumably he wins overall using this (e-Bay legitimate) practice.

What do Auction Snipers think?

Flame me if you like, publicly or privately. All e-mails will be taken seriously and will be answered.

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