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Sniping Sexy Tea

Have you noticed all the Tea Sample collections up for bid On E-bay that we can snipe?

Is it going to be Masala Chai, China Green, Mangalam or Dimbula. A blend of spices or fruit
or Rooibos Green for your health. They say the antioxidents in tea are why the Chinese are living to 110 and longer.
I just bought "Temple of Heaven" well it tastes like Alfalfa I used to chew as a kid. Also
"Spring Blossom Pekoe can tie as Loser with Margaret's Hope for a fresh Soap taste..
And forget Earl Grey it reminds me of medicine. I had some great tea at one of my retirement lunches in NY which was a Holiday Dream..But they wouldn't tell me the name..
So my friends ==..
name your favorites give me a name to Snipe On..
I can Order" Temple Of Heaven
Gunpowder" or "Putabong" I do believe tea should taste like tea not currants or coconuts.
but am willing to try...if you recomend it. mory
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