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Got it – R2 was referring to an intangible widget screaming “no, I don’t want you to buy me . . .” I was needlessly worried that AS was allowing the other kind of screaming widgets on the forum, which are always hard to understand, let alone one screaming in Italian.

So, if I have this straight, only a widget, or any item, purchased by our man has the ability to vocalize their displeasure of who is acquiring them? Sounds like he/she brings out a widget’s worst. Not returning waif Wales’ widgets to their parents would cause a family of weeping, wailing, and weary Welsh widgets (starting to sound like Elmer Fudd and the wascally wabbit).

I’m wambling.

P.S. Please don’t be alarmed/concerned/suspicious/worried/shocked that I didn’t post a winky-smiley. Two in the same day was a weally, weally big deal for me.