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To the OTHER guy... Wink

I did a GOOGLE search on sniping, and AS came up first. Also did a search in C/Net for "free" software. Selected AS because of 1) the - what I considered to be - fair rate structure, and 2) THIS community... and it's support and feedback.

Happy to say I won my first "snipe" yesterday and have two more pending. They are the ideal snipe opportunities as I see it... few bidders, but those that are/would bid, probably want/need the item (like me). If I'd been bidding against them all during the auction, I'm sure I would have / will bid more = $$$ money out of my pocket.

This service is worth the rates/fees if for no other reason that you know your bid will be placed when YOU can't be there to place it (i.e. at work, nights, or "other places with your SO").

My first win was set to snipe at 7-sec before auction end. I see that the bid was actually won/accepted 13-seconds in advance. Wish it was a little "tighter"... but would rather it that way than missing it with a late bid.

Besides, my research (here) has shown me that you'll only win the item with the HIGHEST bid, regardless. If you're the highest bidder, I don't think that 3-4-5 sec difference, would make a difference.

I've sent off the AS links to all my friends too. Don't know if they'll sign up or not. But hope so...

Again, thank you for the service. It allows me to work, play, sleep and know that my bid will still get placed!
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