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Snipe not placed, reason given as READY????

I got an AS notice that my snipe wasn't placed, see reason above--and reason says READY. The item closed with no bidders--I would have won. I am kind of upset. What happened here??

Auction Sniper Snipe Status Report
eBay Item: NIB! Waring Primo Pasta & Dough Maker
(Item # 2333072357)


Status Summary: Ready
Your snipe could not be placed because of the reason above
Click here to see eBay's response to your snipe

Suggestion: You might want to consider using Auction Sniper Bid Groups. With Bid Groups, you can bid on the same item from multiple sellers -- your bids will automatically be placed on each successive auction until you win one. This can help you avoid the disappointment of losing on an item you really want!


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