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Originally posted by Rick:
This is from another post:

"Just out of interest, what is the algorithm the programmers use to decide which photo to use? Is it just the last one on the page?"

_It's a combination of things based on which software or listing service they use to list their auctions, or if they list them on eBay directly. Then there are large amounts of blocked images that keep us from getting things like paypal logos, then there are positional things in the description.

My guess is that we hit about 75-80% of the images correctly. Then maybe another 5-10% get another image that is still of the item, and then maybe 10% that are just plain wrong._ - Sniper Sara B. (AS support).

Does this "animated graphic of a note tacked to a wall" appear in the auction listing?

Thank you, thank you. I had never looked at the bottom of the listing. Near the end of it is the same graphic, which buyers are supposed to click on if they want to contact the seller. It still drive me nuts when I see it, but now I know that I can just ignore it.