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Reply to "Rubbish snipes. Go elsewhere!"

You go where you think you’ll get the best bang for the buck - that’s free enterprise. Using the resources of one company to locate a competitive service – that’s abusive. Nothing prevents one from asking, and nothing prevents another from moderating out such info.

In any event, why would one feel they would get an objective answer? The regulars, such as myself and region2, are obviously bias. But, then one needs to question the irregulars’ motivation. Why would they post a competitive service? They might work for them (they’re bias). They might be pissed at AS (they’re REALLY bias, and would recommend ANYONE). And, when one thinks about it, why would someone that would refer a competitive service, which hopefully means they actually use that service, be hanging out on this forum waiting for someone to come by and ask for a referral? Why? Because they are REALLY PISSED AT AS. All in all, one is not going to get a impartial response. There are other methods, which if one gives the devotion of even a few brains cells could come up with. After all, did everyone that decided to use AS sign onto the forum (if there are any) of a competitive service and ask for a referral?