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Reactivating/Suspending Bid Groups

A couple of other little suggestions...

I think that it should be usefule to provide a quick way to reactivate a bid group, and also to suspnd a bid group.

I will try to explain these better...

Suppose that you have winned one auction in a bid group (in which you have the max limit of items to 1) and after the auction closes there is some problem, so you cannot receive the item... actually you must remake again the bid group, adding one to one the snipes!
If you can reactivate the old group it's easier and faster!
Just with one click you recover all old snipes!!!

If you have placed a group, and you have a doubt, for a moment, it shoould be usefull to have an option to "freeze" the group itself, and to reactivate it just with a click when your doubts disappears!

Greetings from Italy
(AS you are GREAT!!!!)
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