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Reply to "Proper sniping"

Lets just say my MAX bid on this item is 25.00,do i bid at 24.91

You should bid $25.91 (for example) if your Max is $25.00, then you will win over someone who also thinks the widget is worth $25.00.

You are looking at exactly the right area W.I.A. you even have the "Completed Listings" box ticked.

Shop seems to work the same way I do, have a look at what the item has been selling for in the past.....pick the low side price and create a bid group.

So, you would use that information to gather what *ebay* thinks your Makita is worth, then if you agree.....create a bid group and add items to it until you win yourt Makita for the price you want.

Might take 3 items, might take 300 (sorry AS if it does). Razz