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Reply to "Postage and Handling Rip Off?"

(Sorry for all the brackets that litter my posts, but my mind dose tend to wander{some times it wanders off by its self and takes a while to come back})
I must say that I am completely and utterly astounded (in a nice way).
I did not believe I would ever see a serious post that started with big-hearted prostitutes donating money to the local economy slipped smoothly into the value for money of same ladies of negotiable virtue and then proceeded to march right down the main street of post and packing on eBay items
Well-done Mr (Or Mrs or even Ms) Shopper.
And why (whilst we are on the subject) are all of these brothels named after ranches. Chicken, Mustang, Sheep and possibly Piggy. We in the UK don’t have such luxuries as brothels that pay tax and as for the idea of the Inland Revenue (the British tax gathering department ) running one is a bit far fetched

Receptionist. “May I help you sir”
Customer “Yes please, I would like a good time please”
Receptionist “certainly sir, if you could just fill in these forms in triplicate, pay the full amount plus V.A.T now and will contact you in about 6 to 10 weeks with a demand for the payment again……………..”

You get the idea don’t you

PS in and earlier post I (and I was joking but you couldn’t see me smiling) admitted to buying stuff from my self for spurious reasons. Well I really was joking and haven’t bought anything from me Honest