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Reply to "Postage and Handling Rip Off?"


It is a hoot that the U.S. government took over the Mustang Ranch, which put them (The U. S. of A. Federal Government) in the prostitution business. Boy, did that cause a lot of red faces. Of course, since so many government employees frequented the place, I guess they (the government employees) could pay for *it* with intra-departmental vouchers. They might even have called the hookers “civil servants”. After all, it doesn’t get much more civil and servant than that!

Yes, my education is a just a tad short. Thanks for filling in the holes.

I think its Clark country where prostitution is legal, and I believe it’s the only place where it is in the “Land of the free and the home of the brave”.

Not sure why Mustang Ranch is out of business (I believe that’s its current status). Perhaps because Yanks spend so much money on pornography that they have substituted the more social contact with a solitary one. Better for safe sex - just seems like it’s a de-evolution on the morality food-chain. Can you imagine Matt Dillon visiting Kitty Russell in the Long Branch Porn Shop?

Just so everyone knows that Shop and I haven’t completely “gone off-subject”, this topic is about “Handling”, and the Mustang Ranch was infamous in it’s “handling” of men’s . . . well, I don’t think it was the same kind of organ one sees in church.