quote:Originally posted by cat"n"thahat:
Initially, I more than like placed my comments

Many of the Comments about a MODI OPERANI
Mmmm.....I think our local Italian restaurant does a great one of these!
I emphatically stated when I posted the copy of my Dialog with an eBay Live Chat Support Person. eBay was the BLAME for me Losing my Auction because they changed my PASSWORD after sending them a Phising Scam to Spoof@eBay.com.
Was the password change not due to the "Phising" [sic] scam? I have never known, and cannot see why, thet eBay would change anyone's password unless they informed you.
The poster roller thingy - it would be very easy to make one, or is this a collectible item?
Would you display it? I am interested!
What's With All The Capitals?