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Reply to "outbid by "hidden" bidder"

Hi! I'm back (I never give up). Oh, BTW Maven is a he.
Anyway, I see what you're saying. According to what you say, had I looked at the bidding before the end (let's say 10 minutes before) I would have seen B ahead of A and the "winning" amount would be $2 from B. Then, after C snipes and B has his proxy bid put in, then C is placed second and B has his bid put in on top only.
The way to test this would be to find an opening bid of some obviously high priced item, wait until someone puts in a minimum bid, then bid let's say an extra $10 which may place that bid second (depending if the first bid did not have a higher proxy bid) and then wait for someone to bid higher and check the list and see if after every increase and automatic proxy bid if my bid shows ONCE or if my name comes up again and again after each proxy bid. I suspect it would be like you say, though it "looks" suspicious at the end when looking at the "final" list.
Now, I have another small question about something that I just noticed at an auction. It said that "user ID private" and though it says there are 28 bids it does not list any user ID for any of the bids. How does THAT happen, hmmm?
Thanks y'all.