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One for the Books

Yes, I know I did a dumb, dumb thing, but I was trying to avoid a conflict with another bidder who is an aquaintance of mine. A bidding war. I signed on under my alias, but when I went into AS it pulled up my swipes under my original name. I assumed it was under my alias. It wasn't until the last minute that I noticed the wrong name and I didn't have time to get back and cancel. I thought that I had bidded myself up to that amount because of the other high bid, so I was right. I just didn't want to believe I had done something so stupid. Well, I am happy to have won it, and I probably would have to had pay that amount for it somewhere else, so I can't complain and can only blame myself. Certainly, was a good one! What is the OP? Anyway, thanks for your imput. I certainly hope I enjoy it.
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