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Odd Win at Higher Price than AS said....

Hi there.
I browsed through both the support boards a bit and haven't seen this covered.

AS bid on an item in a bidgroup today & notified me that I'd won for $30.66, showing my max of $33.99.

When I clicked the ebay link to the direct auction, I HAD won, but for 33.00.

Was this some kind of typo on AS?

View Confirmation Modify Delete item max # bids lead ended bidgroup status
6017194451 US $33.99 8 5

12/1/2005 3:03:49 PM aquadoodle

Placed Successfully buymystuff63 ( 106)

You won: US $30.66 Ship: US $8.00 Qty:1"

I just found it kind of strange. Glad it wasn't a significant difference, but odd nonetheless.

Also have noticed some of the probs others have mentioned in the past 2 days: bidgroup disappearing & bid not placed... & I've been doing this for a couple years now.

Prolly just random flukes.

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