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Reply to "Newbie question: multiple snipers?"


I suggest that sniping takes up less eBay resources! A sniper only puts out one bid (typically). As has been commented on in this forum, proxy bidders often put out multiple bids (bidding wars, nibblers, they-want-it-I-want-iters). Each bid has a hit on eBay's resources. That's not to say snipers don't increase their snipes, but when we do it we use AS's resources and not eBay's.

Grant it, if all the auctions closed at the same time, then having everyone snipe at the same time would cause an eBay melt down. But, eBay's auctions don't close at same time.

I think proxy bidders "may" also use up more resources because they are continually monitoring their auctions, and in the frantic last seconds, could be doing maniac refreshes to see if they are going to get sniped by one of us.

There is the added argument, that "perhaps" many proxy bidders place their bids during peak/popular times. This would impact eBay if true. Snipes are placed when the auction is closing, which can be during slow/off times.

Also, proxy bidders "maybe" refreshing their "My eBay" pages more often than us snipers. Some snipers maybe putting out their bids, moving on, and waiting for an email from AS. Maybe. One has to consider that AS (I think this is true) goes into eBay and updates the current auction price for all their snipes, but I think this is also at off times.

Now, I haven't discussed those few poor souls still doing manual snipes, and if the following offends you, so be it, but: ARE YOU NUTS?

I'm very confident that my 1st argument is correct (less bids, less resources), but everything else is speculation on my part.

"Success is getting what you want, but happiness is wanting what you get." - Eddie Scissons from W. P. Kinselle's "Shoeless Joe".