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Reply to "Newbie question: multiple snipers?"

The 60 Minutes II segment about eBay stated the following:
1) Is used by 50 million people worldwide who spend an estimated $41 million every day.
2) In September of 1998, 8% of the items on eBay were Beanie Babies.
2) It sells a motorcycle every 18 minutes.
3) It sells an SUV every 30 minutes.
4) As many as 150,000 people have literally given up their jobs to create their own businesses selling on eBay.
5) Every day, 12 million items are up for sale.

Here's the link to the segment:

With this kind of growth rate (50,000 new members a day!), something that has never been experienced before, isn't it a lot more likely, that the few times AS doesn't place a snipe, it's not due to AS but to eBay?

"Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit". - George Carlin